Table of ContentsBack to Implementation This is the initial map design. It is very limited and may require redesigning at a later date after discussion of the map features to be supported. WrappingIf a map does not wrap, a player may fly off the edge of the map. When this happens, they fly back on a second or so later as per REQ_MAP_NOWRAP. Map File FormatMost of the map is defined in a single text file as per REQ_MAP_TEXT. This text file defines the layout and properties in an easily editable manner. This way, no special software is required by the end user to make their own maps. Lines beginning with a semicolon are comments in the map settings file and are ignored by the program. Map File SectionsThe settings file is separated into sections as illustrated by the Example Map Settings File.
Map File KeywordsWithin each section settings and properties are defined by a simple keyword value syntax. The first word of each line is the keyword and the value is interpreted depending upon what the keyword is.
Example Map Settings File; File format version 0.1 name The Valley of DOOM! author Greg McIntyre <> version 1 players 2 wrap false [layout] .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... .............................................................................G....B....H.. .h....b...g...................g...............................G........./^^^^^^^^^^^^===^^ ^===^^^^^^^^^^^\...g......../^^^\......[+++++++++++]......./^^^^^^^^^^^################### ################^^^^^^^^^^^^#####^^^^^^^\....|..../^^^^^^^^############################### #########################################~~~~~~~~~######################################## ########################################################################################## ########################################################################################## [key] character # behaviour underground graphics grass-underground character ^ behaviour surface graphics grass-flat explodable damagable character / behaviour surface graphics grass-slope-left explodable damagable character \ behaviour surface graphics grass-slope-right explodable damagable character ~ behaviour water graphics water-surface character | graphics bridge-support character + graphics bridge-segment explodable damagable character [ graphics bridge-slope-left explodable damagable character ] graphics bridge-slope-right explodable damagable character = graphics runway character h behaviour hanger graphics hanger-left owner 1 direction left character b behaviour base graphics base owner 1 character g behaviour gun graphics aa-gun owner 1 character H behaviour hanger graphics hanger-right owner 2 direction right character B behaviour base graphics base owner 2 character G behaviour gun graphics gun owner 2